
Photos And Art

Photos And Art
I like to take photos, and here are some around Standing Rock and North Dakota. I've also included some art pieces which I've created. Please take a moment to cycle through these thirty-four selected photos and images. I don't want to Instagram, but I have an account set up. I'll post pictures from that account and embed them here when I can figure out how to upload pictures from a desktop computer. 

Slide No. 1 features a brush scripted attempt of mine using Leroy Curley's Lakota alphabet he developed back in the 1970s and formalized in 1982. I like to practice this, as an art, in my spare time. 

Some things you'll see:
Standing Rock, The First Horse, a Winter Count I worked on, horses, a painted buffalo robe, my grandmother's tree, Killdeer Mountain, an icon of the Archangel Gabriel, the Badlands of North Dakota, Nokota horses, an eclipse, a sunset over Big Mound, a Pasque Flower, and more. The last photo is of Mount Hekla in Iceland.